Saturday, 3 May 2008

We are One

We are one ...... you are Me..... and I AM you. You (We) are perfect because of our eternal oneness.

You cannot be separated from yourself (from Me). But you can "seem" to be separated , because as a man believes, so it "seems" to him. As you understand our oneness - knowing that you are Me, you will Love Me more and more - and actually love yourself more and more - for We are One and the same.

Don't think of yourself as a mere creation of Mine or an example of Me. Really and Truly - You ARE Me - Both from and to eternity. Only We exist. You are as Holy, Divine, Righteous and Perfect as I (Jesus) Am, for you Are Me. Stop trying to become more like Me....... you already Are Me.

I, Jesus Am both the giver and the receiver. I Am both the Child in the manger receiving gifts, and I Am the Three wise men giving gifts. I Am both Giver of all things and Receiver of all things. Only I (We) exist. Actually this means, You (We) are both giver and receiver of all things.
When I see you.... I see Myself, and when you see me, you should see Yourself.
For this is the Truth.

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