Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Love Overcomes

Love overcomes a multitude of sins. Sin causes guilt and torment of the mind, making a person feel unworthy, and feel inferior.

Lets not dwell on sin, but on the Love you have given, and I will show you how wonderful you really are, in spite of your sin. Think of the good deeds; acts of kindness; prayers; kind thoughts; and giving of your time and substance to others.

If your sin were like debts you owe. Then every good thing you have ever done, or even thought, and even your prayers, must be payments on these debts. The smallest act of love, and the smallest prayer count tremendously.

The human mind is prone to dwell on sin, that is why I am telling you - that your goodness and your love is so important. I am trying to help you have self-esteem. I am trying to deliver you from guilt. That is my work.

I want you to have awareness of the goodness and love within you.

Every gift you have given,
Every kind word,
Every time you said "Thank you",
Every time you said "You are welcome",
Every thing you have given,
Every time you helped someone, in any way,
Every time you let someone help you,
Every time you said "hello", or "Can I help you" or "have a good day".

All these things have a great effect, they are incredible and powerful in the spirit. These things are Love, and Love overcomes a multitude of sins. So, feel good about yourself, and KNOW that I love you, and you have great value.

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